Roco is a 3D platformer game developed by 2rot. The game is in Pre Alpha, so there are bugs.
We would love to see you try our game and send us any feedback or report bugs at [email protected].



Version Changes
v.0.5 Alpha Added: New Pause Menu!
You can now pause the game.
In pause menu you can restart the level, or quit to main menu.

Added: New difficulty options!
You can play normal. (Enemies deal 25% damage)
Or you can play hardcore. (Enemies deal 100% damage - insta death)

Added: New settings options!
You can change mouse sensitivity in game.
Default value 2. (You can set values between 1 and 8)

Difficulty Adjustment: Tree log in first level moved closer to
the platform, so it can be easier for the player to proceed.
v.0.2 Pre Alpha Fixed: Enemies attacking you while in cutscene.
v.0.1 Pre Alpha -